Date: 8 week league, September 16 – November 14
Time: 5 – 9 PM
Cost: $30 for members, $50 for non-members
Climbing day: Tuesday & Wednesday, Bonus Points for attending Grandview Gripdown & Dino or Die
Party/ Scores Announcement: November 21
Team Requirements:
- Teams must be comprised of 2-4 Climbers; all climbers are welcome.
- There are no substitutions if a team member can not make it. You will be counted for the scores of those team members that climb set week.
- Example: If only 2 of 4 climbed week 1 we will count the average for the two that climbed.
- Team members may climb on different days
- Example: 1 team member climbs on Tuesday and 2 climb on Wednesday.Β
- Non-members do not have to pay for entry during the League meeting time but will be required to pay for entry outside of League meetings.
- See any gym staff to assist with registration questions or email the Bouldering League Coordinator at