We all need to be broken-hearted over so much injustice in the world. We need to see evil where it truly exists yet not conflate it to someone we don’t see eye to eye with. Instead of blaming the group we are not part of, we need to see that we agree on the pain and work together to heal hurts and mend division. When I work with girls rescued from human trafficking, I become angry at people who think pornography or prostitution are victimless. When I hear shouts that all police are racist and to defund them, I get frustrated for the thankless job my friends do while risking their lives to try to make the world better. When I hang out with kids in The Bottoms and see their terrible family situations, often due to serious addiction, I’m outraged that some would make all drugs legal. That anger, frustration and outrage is misplaced! Yes, I need to rail at these evils but focus my strength and energy to helping the victims and offering my gifts and talents to help where I’m able. I may need to put myself in new and uncomfortable positions to work through the problems our world faces. This sounds like working a project at the Red to me, but one with the capacity to change lives and our world for good.
Now that the world is opening back up we can sit together by the fire, break bread together and work alongside one another again. Let’s close our screens, open our doors, and talk to one another. In fact, we have the perfect venue for this right behind VA. Now that our restrictions are being lifted, I invite you to use our fire pit out back. Shoot me an email or text and let’s get together and talk through some of this. Let’s find what our common passions are and work together to turn our anger, frustration, and outrage on the evils we can affect for good. This community is strong and cares deeply about injustice. I’ve seen it come together in the past and I am confident it can again.
I love this community and look forward to seeing where it goes over the next 27 years!