

Switching To BETA

Switching To BETA

Monday, 12 August 2024 Your time at our gyms shouldn’t be bogged down by software issues, glitches, or outages. Unfortunately, our current software is at the end of its software lifespan. Just too many recurring problems and outages.  We’ve been searching for new...

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The History of Sport Climbing in the U.S.

The History of Sport Climbing in the U.S.

Alan Watts is responsible for the massive success of sport climbing in the United States. Today, in almost every area of the country, sport climbing has helped introduce people to the activity who may never have had the chance. With the addition of preplaced bolts,...

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Crack Climbing 101: How to Start Crack Climbing

Crack Climbing 101: How to Start Crack Climbing

Crack climbing has resurfaced as a popular style of climbing in the last few years. You may have heard of The Wide Boyz, Pete Whittaker, and Tom Randall or watched some of their content surrounding this lesser-used style. Many indoor rock climbing gyms have crack...

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How Do Rock Climbing Camps Help Kids Learn and Grow?

How Do Rock Climbing Camps Help Kids Learn and Grow?

Rock climbing camps provide a fun and controlled environment for kids to learn and grow. Besides getting those kids out of the house for a few hours, there are many benefits to enrolling your children in a rock climbing camp. If you want to watch your child grow their...

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6 Essential Tips for Improving Your Bouldering Game

6 Essential Tips for Improving Your Bouldering Game

Bouldering is a game of trying hard and getting punted. Sometimes, the boulder wins, sending you to the mats or crash pads more times than you make progress. Sometimes, you win, flashing or sending it after many projecting sessions. When bouldering, you expect to lose...

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Top 5 Tips for Beginner Climbers

Top 5 Tips for Beginner Climbers

Are you a beginner climber seeking to enhance your skills and safety measures? Look no further! In this article, we present the top 5 crucial tips that every beginner climber should know. These tips are designed to boost your confidence and ensure a fun and safe...

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