3 Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Heights

3 Tips to Overcome Your Fear of Heights

Your fear of heights may inhibit you from pursuing your dream of rock climbing. I remember when I first started climbing, the height of the walls seemed insurmountable. What may seem like a fun and exciting way to push your body is instead seen as a death-defying and...
Switching To BETA

Switching To BETA

Monday, 12 August 2024 Your time at our gyms shouldn’t be bogged down by software issues, glitches, or outages. Unfortunately, our current software is at the end of its software lifespan. Just too many recurring problems and outages.  We’ve been searching for new...
The History of Sport Climbing in the U.S.

The History of Sport Climbing in the U.S.

Alan Watts is responsible for the massive success of sport climbing in the United States. Today, in almost every area of the country, sport climbing has helped introduce people to the activity who may never have had the chance. With the addition of preplaced bolts,...
How to Choose the Right Rock Climbing Harness

How to Choose the Right Rock Climbing Harness

A rock climbing harness is not just a piece of gear; it’s your gateway to thrilling adventures. You’ll experience the exhilaration of taking falls, the freedom of hanging from the rope, and the comfort of wearing it around the crag or gym. So, choose a harness...