Look no further. Rock climbing is the perfect corporate event for you and your team. It’s an inclusive experience that values everyone’s unique abilities and preferences, making it an enjoyable activity for all.

A successful corporate event should be inclusive, challenging, and fun. Rock climbing ticks all these boxes and more. With the ability to choose our own challenge, receive encouragement, and socialize in between climbs, everyone, regardless of their fitness level, will be involved. So call your local climbing gym, book the event, and send the notice to the team!

5 Reasons Rock Climbing is the Perfect Corporate Event

1. Ease of Access

With the rapid rise of indoor rock climbing, gyms have opened all across the country. There’s a high chance that one or more facilities are within driving range of the office. Additionally, the barrier to entry is low. Booking an event with a climbing gym will include rental gear for participants and instructional aids. The gyms have set climbs tailored to new/beginner climbers but will be able to offer more experienced team members more challenging options. And the best part? It’s an affordable option for a corporate event, making it accessible to all teams, regardless of budget constraints.

2. Challenge by Choice

The last thing employees want is to feel forced into an activity they are uncomfortable with out of fear of maintaining their jobs or the pressure to keep up with their coworkers. Rock climbing is individualistic, so everyone can choose how high they climb and how challenging a course they pick. The gym staff assigned to events know each person has a different comfort level, even within a team setting. While they will encourage participants to challenge themselves, they’ll also listen to the wishes of each individual.

3. Team Bonding

Rock climbing is not just a fun activity. It also offers numerous health benefits. It’s a full-body workout that improves strength, flexibility, and endurance. When climbing with a group, there’s ample time to watch each other try climbs. It’s common among climbers to shout motivational phrases and words of encouragement to those actively climbing and pass fist pumps around afterward. They can also help each other brainstorm the best way to complete the climb, sharing what worked and what didn’t work on their attempt. At the end of the event, every employee will have the shared experience of trying rock climbing. They’ll be able to reminisce about climbs they tried or finished and bond over the post-climb soreness in their fingers and forearms.

4. Socialization Opportunities

Rock climbing group events provide ample time for socialization. Whether your team is climbing ropes or bouldering, rest periods between attempts create perfect opportunities for people to catch their breath, chat with coworkers, and strengthen their bonds.

5. Food & Happy Hour Pairing

Climbing is a physically taxing activity. After the climb, everyone will be ready to relax, enjoy a meal, and have a drink or two. Extend the opportunity to socialize by capping your corporate event off with a trip to a nearby brewery. It’s a fantastic way to win the hearts of all team members and continue the team bonding.

Happy employees make a workplace better. An exciting corporate event like rock climbing that is accessible to everyone, challenges them, fosters collaboration, includes ample time to socialize, and ends with food and drinks (on the company) is a recipe for happy staff. Don’t take our word for it; book an event and tell us the results in the comments below! Happy corporate bonding!