Why You Should Use Chalk When You Rock Climb
Chalk is climbers' secret weapon; you're missing out if you aren't using it when you climb. You may counter and say that you've seen other climbers forgo chalk. However, they are as in the dark as you about the magic powers of chalk, or they have an ego problem. Chalk...

5 Reasons Rock Climbing is the Perfect Corporate Event
Look no further. Rock climbing is the perfect corporate event for you and your team. It's an inclusive experience that values everyone's unique abilities and preferences, making it an enjoyable activity for all. A successful corporate event should be inclusive,...

How to Take Care of Your Skin for Rock Climbing
Rock climbing requires caring for your hands' skin, a form of self-care that is often overlooked! The largest organ, and the one that physically connects with rocks, can be forgotten by many climbers. They're so busy focusing on their one-arm pull-ups or deepest...

How to Improve Your Climbing: Slopers Edition
Have you ever looked at a climb, seen more than one sloper on it, and declared you'll never touch the climb because there aren't enough crimps? Going out on a limb here, if you thoroughly enjoyed powering your way through slopey climbs, you wouldn't have clicked on...

Climbing Shoes for Narrow Feet
Do your narrow feet make it hard to find climbing shoes? You've likely experienced the frustration of not all brands being created equal, especially not all shoes. The climbing industry understands this, which is why different companies have created climbing shoes...

What Makes the Climbing Community so Great?
Beginner climbers find themselves hooked by the thrill of the challenge, the creativity, and the sense of play. But as the novelty wears off, they stay because of the sense of belonging and inclusivity that the community offers. For instance, I remember my first climb...

How to Get Better at Crimping
Crimps may be the most polarizing climbing hold. If you're good at them, you seek out all the crimp boulders and routes in the gym. If not, you stay as far away as possible, marveling at the finger strength of those crimp-loving crazies. But, to be a...

Is Rock Climbing Considered Cardio?
If you’ve ever climbed or watched somebody climb, you can quickly tell it takes a lot of strength. You likely assume, then, that rock climbing is a strength-training workout. While it’s clear that climbing is a full-body workout, have you ever wondered if rock...

Can You Rock Climb While Pregnant?
Meagan Martin, Shauna Coxsey, Emily Harrington, Paige Claassen, and Beth Roden, accomplished professional rock climbers and mothers, have shown that the female body is capable of incredible feats, including climbing during pregnancy. Their experiences prove that you,...

When to Wear a Rock Climbing Helmet
Climbing helmets are gear you see surprisingly little of in climbing. Odd, you might think, as the nature of rock climbing and the heights scaled present a climber with inherent danger. Recall the 2024 Olympics, Free Solo, or the last time you visited your local...
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