
Climbing Community

Learn a new skill or connect to a community event by visiting our Gym Calendar. See below for a list of local and national climbing organizations and community groups who can help take your climbing to new heights.

Climbing is for everyone. We are offering specially designated days to encourage connection and diversity as well as making climbing more accessible. $9 day passes with rental gear included for individuals who identify on applicable community rock climbing days.

man starting to boulder

South Central Pennsylvania Climbers is a group of dedicated climbers that volunteer to preserve rock climbing areas in PA. We would like to bridge the gap between land owners/managers and the climbing community. We strive to educate the general public about rock climbing, best practices, assist with risk management plans, fund raise to help protect our natural resources, and assist in the maintenance of the lands that we climb on.

qcc event at a climbing gym

The Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance of Climbers is dedicated to promoting education, safeguarding access, building community, and preserving our natural lands for rock climbers of past, present, and future.


NRAC exists to preserve and promote access to climbing areas, and to conserve climbing resources in the New River Gorge and surrounding areas. The New River Gorge is an international destination and world-class climbing area with thousands of traditional and sport climbs, and a rapidly expanding selection of equally world-class bouldering areas. Learn how you can preserve and protect one of America’s great climbing areas.

The Access Fund is a nonprofit advocacy organization that leads and inspires the climbing community toward sustainable access and conservation of the climbing environment.

photo of woman climbing with access fund logo

AAC’s goal is to share and support our passion for climbing and respect for the places we climb. We’re climbers. Gym climbers and trad climbers. Sport climbers and mountaineers. Boulderers, backcountry skiers, and alpinists. We’re the largest community of rock-scaling misfits in the country—and you belong here.


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814 308-0230
328 Discovery Drive
Boalsburg, PA 16827


Monday: Closed
Tuesday - Thursday 3PM-10PM
Saturday & Sunday 9AM - 6PM
All Holiday Hours